
Thursday 10 January 2019

The first cabinet of Pakistan

  The first cabinet of Pakistan was the creation of the Quaid-i-Azam. He selected Liaquat Ali Khan, whom he had called his “right hand”. According to the Gazette Notification No: G.G. O/2 of 14 August 1947 the first cabinet of Pakistan took oath of office on August 15, 1947. It included the following members.Nawabzada Liaquat Ali Khan – Prime Minister, Foreign Minister, Defence Minister and Minister for Common Wealth Relations.
Ibrahim Ismail Chundrigarh – Minister for Trade, Industry and Construction.Malik Ghulam Mohammad – Finance Minister.
Sardar Abdul Rab Nishtar – Transport and Communication Minister.Raja Ghazanfar Ali Khan – Minister for Food, Agriculture and Health.
Jugindarnath Mandal – Minister for Law and Labour.Fazal-ur-Rehman – Interior Minister and Minister for Information and Education.Later zafar Ullah Khan took oath as foreign minister on 27 December 1947

Countries With The Longest Coastline

####         Countries With The Longest Coastline
Canada (202,080 km) Canada, the second largest country in the world by total area, is comprised of ten provinces and three territories.
Norway (58,133 km) ...
Indonesia (54,720 km) ...
Greenland (44,087 km) ...
Russia (37,653 km) ...
Philippines (36,289 km) ...
Japan (29,751 km) ...
Australia (25,760 km) ...

Wednesday 11 May 2016

Number of sides Name
3                          triangle or trigon
4                          quadrilateral or tetragon
5                          pentagon
6                          hexagon
7                          heptagon
8                           octagon
9                          enneagon
10                        decagon
11                        hendecagon
12                        dodecagon
triskaidecagon or tridecagon
tetrakaidecagon or tetradecagon
### one of the numerals in the ancient Roman system of notation, still used for certain limited purposes, as in some pagination, dates on buildings, etc. The common basic symbols are I (=1), V (=5), X (=10), L (=50), C (=100), D (=500), and M (=1000). The Roman numerals for one to nine are: I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX. A bar over a letter multiplies it by 1000; thus, X̅ equals 10,000. Integers are written according to these two rules: If a letter is immediately followed by one of equal or lesser value, the two values are added; thus, XX equals 20, XV equals 15, VI equals 6. If a letter is immediately followed by one of greater value, the first is subtracted from the second; thus, IV equals 4, XL equals 40, CM equals 900. Examples: XLVII(=47), CXVI(=116), MCXX(=1120), MCMXIV(=1914). Roman numerals may be written in lowercase letters, though they appear more commonly in capitals.

###   Collective Names for Animals
When animals gather in collective groups, they are called the following:
Apes: a shrewdness
Badgers: a cete
Bats: a colony or a camp
Bears: a sloth or a sleuth
Bees: a swarm
Buffalo: a gang or obstinacy
Camels: a caravan
Cats: a clowder or a glaring, Kittens: a litter or a kindle, Wild cats: a destruction
Cobras: a quiver
Crocodiles: a bask
Crows: a murder
Dogs: a pack, Puppies: a litter
Donkeys: a drove
Eagles: a convocation
Elephants: a parade
Elk: a gang or a herd
Falcons: a cast
Ferrets: a business
Fish: a school
Flamingos: a stand
Fox: a charm
Frogs: an army
Geese: a gaggle
Giraffes: a tower
Gorillas: a band
Hippopotami: a bloat
Hyenas: a cackle
Jaguars: a shadow
Jellyfish: a smack
Kangaroos: a troop or a mob
Lemurs: a conspiracy
Leopards: a leap
Lions: a pride
Moles: a labor
Monkeys: a barrel or a troop
Mules: a pack
Otters: a family
Oxen: a team or a yoke
Owls: a parliament
Parrots: a pandemonium
Pigs: a drift or drove (younger pigs) or a sounder or a team (older pigs)
Porcupines: a prickle
Rabbits: a herd
Rats: a colony
Ravens: an unkindness
Rhinoceroses: a crash
Shark: a shiver
Skunk: a stench
Snakes: a nest
Squirrels: a dray or a scurry
Stingrays: a fever
Swans: a bevy or a game (if in flight: a wedge)
Tigers: an ambush or a streak
Toads: a knot
Turkeys: a gang or a rafter
Turtles: a bale or a nest
Weasels: a colony, a gang or a pack
Whales: a pod, a school, or a gam
Wolves: a pack
Zebras: a zeal

Thursday 31 October 2013

###     The largest artery is the aorta[21] and the largest vein is the inferior vena cava.[22]
The largest internal organ is the liver.[23] It is also the heaviest organ, with an average of 1.6 kilograms (3.5 pounds).[24]
The largest external organ, which is also the largest organ in general, is the skin.[25]
The longest muscle is the sartorius muscle in the thigh.[26]
The longest single nerve is the sciatic nerve in the thigh, counting its branches and axons.
N Animals
Blue whale Edit
As the largest animal alive, the blue whale has the largest instance of several body parts.

Its tongue weighs around 2.7 tonnes (3 short tons)[1]
Its mouth is large enough to hold up to 90 tonnes (100 short tons) of food and water.[2]
Its heart typically weighs 600 kg (1,300 lb)[1] and can reach 900 kg (2,000 lb) in exceptional cases[3]
Its aorta is about 23 centimetres (9.1 in) in diameter.[4]
The blue whale's penis typically measures 8–10 ft. (2.4 – 3 meters)[5]
Other animals Edit
The giant and colossal squids have the largest recorded eyes of any living animal, with a maximum diameter of at least 27 cm (11 in).[6] Only the extinct ichthyosaurs are known to have had larger eyes.[6]
The giraffe has the longest neck of any land mammal.[7]
The walrus has the largest baculum of any mammal.[8]
The wandering albatross has the largest wingspan at 3.63 metres (11 feet 11 inches).[9]
The longest horns ever recorded belonged to a wild water buffalo and measured 4.24 metres (13 feet 11 inches) from tip to tip.[10]
The largest and heaviest brain belongs to the sperm whale, weighing around 9 kilograms.[11]
The Arctic lion's mane jellyfish may be the longest animal; the biggest had a bell (body) with a diameter of 2.28 meters (7 feet 6 inches) and the tentacles reached 36.6 m (120 ft). It was found washed up on the shore of Massachusetts Bay in 1870.[12]
Bootlace worms can reach great lengths. A specimen was measured at 55 m (180 ft) but this may be unreliable as the body is somewhat elastic.[13]
In proportion to body size Edit
The Morgan's sphinx hawk moth has the longest proboscis in relation to its body size. Its 25–30 cm proboscis is over 3 times longer than its body. It is also known as Darwin's moth because Charles Darwin predicted its existence some 40 years before it was discovered from experiments he did on an orchid with a "foot long" nectary.[14]
The tube-lipped nectar bat has the longest tongue of any mammal in relation to its body size. Its 85 mm (3.3 in) tongue is 1.5 times longer than its body, and must be kept inside its rib cage.[15]
The barnacle is the creature with the largest penis as a proportion of its body size.[16]
Among vertebrates, the Argentine blue-bill duck has the longest penis in relation to its body size.[17]
The vampire squid has the largest eyes of any animal relative to its size.[18]
The kiwi lays the largest egg of any bird relative to its size - up to a quarter of the mass of the female.
Shrews have the largest brain-to-body mass ratio of any animal, with brains that are 10% of body weight. Humans however have the largest encephalization quotient of any animal.[19]
###      The world's longest borders
Canada-USA : 8,893 km.
Russia-Kazakhstan : 6,846 km.
Argentina-Chile : 5,300 km.
Mongolia-China : 4,677 km.
India-Bangladesh : 4,053 km.
Russia-China : 3,645 km.
Russia-Mongolia : 3,543 km.
Brazil-Bolivia : 3,400 km.

Sunday 23 October 2011

Nobel Awards for Chemistry.

YearName of Nobel Laureates
2010Richard F. Heck, Ei-ichi Negishi, Akira Suzuki
2009Venkatraman Ramakrishnan, Thomas A. Steitz, Ada E. Yonath
2008Osamu Shimomura, Martin Chalfie, Roger Y. Tsien
2007Gerhard Ertl

Nobel Awardees for Literature.

YearName of Nobel Laureates
2010Mario Vargas Llosa
2009Herta Müller
2008Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio
2007Doris Lessing
2006Orhan Pamuk

Nobel Awardes for Physics.

YearName of Nobel Laureates
2010Andre Geim, Konstantin Novoselov
2009Charles Kuen Kao, Willard S. Boyle, George E. Smith
2008Yoichiro Nambu, Makoto Kobayashi, Toshihide Maskawa
2007Albert Fert, Peter Grünberg
2006John C. Mather, George F. Smoot

Nobel Awardes for Medicine.

YearName of Awardee
2010Robert G. Edwards
2009Elizabeth H. Blackburn, Carol W. Greider, Jack W. Szostak
2008Harald zur Hausen, Françoise Barré-Sinoussi, Luc Montagnier
2007Mario R. Capecchi, Sir Martin J. Evans, Oliver Smithies
2006Andrew Z. Fire, Craig C. Mello

Some Abbreviations.

  • A.V.E.S. : Acute Viral Encephalitic Syndrome.
  • B.C.T.T. : Bank Cash Transaction Tex.
  • B.C.S.B.I.: Banking Codes and Standard Board Of India.
  • C.I.C : Central Information Commission.
  • C.S.T.O : Collective Security Treaty Organisation.

Chief Agricultural products and their Producer Countries

RiceChina, India, Indonesia, Bangladesh
WheatChina, India, USA, Russia
MaizeUSA, China, Brazil, Mexico
TeaIndia, China, Sri Lanka
CottonChina, USA, India, Pakistan

Books written by Famous Authors.

Book NameAuthor Name
The Canterbury TalesGeoffrey Chaucer
HamletWilliam Shakespeare
Don QuixoteMiguel de Cervantes
Paradise LostJohn Milton
The Pilgrim’s ProgressJohn Bunyan
Robinson CrusoeDaniel Defoe